Thursday, August 23, 2012

Little Changes before a Big Change

It's August which means in 3 months I will be leaving for South Korea, yeah only 3! It seems like a long time but I know it will be here soon! I have so many things I need to do and also things I really want to do. Firstly in preparation for leaving I want to make 3 big personal changes. Ready list time!

  1. First I want to lose at least 20lbs, my overall goal is 50lbs but three months isn't really that much time and even 20 is pushing it but it's a start. By this time next year I will be at least 50lbs lighter
  2. I'm going to cut my hair (and dye it). I've been growing my hair natural for 6 years. I did my big chop then when my mom was going through chemo. Since then mostly I've worn braids and let it grow, but times are changing and I'm thinking about trying out a new big girl look. 
  3. Lastly I want to put on my big girl shoes and live to the fullest.
Change is coming and it's coming fast!

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